About us

We undertake technically demanding contracts
in harsh environments.


Specialists in the design, supply and installation of quayside fenders and marine cathodic protection.


Southbay have extensive knowledge and experience of marine fender systems for quay walls and other berthing structures.


Southbay works closely with their clients to provide tailored solutions to meet their requirements. Design parameters will be agreed with the client and include:

  • Vessel types and sizes
  • Additional vessel features eg belting and projections
  • Angles and speeds of approach
  • Arrangements for future maintenance and repair

Southbay can fabricate new fenders using fully certified materials and quality assured construction facilities.


All site works are undertaken by Southbay Civil Engineering using modern plant and equipment including craneage and are highly experienced in working from floating plant. We can also carry out all piling, steelwork and concreting which may be required to support fenders.


On some projects it may be more cost effective to refurbish/repair fenders. Southbay have experience in this solution and work closely with port and quayside operators to minimise any disruption to port activities.

Marine Cathodic Protection

Accelerated low water corrosion (ALWC) is becoming more widespread in the UK. One of the best methods to combat this is to install cathodic protection (CP).

Southbay can design and install passive cathodic protection and can replace or re-new existing CP systems. Sacrificial anodes such as aluminium or zinc aluminium alloys will be installed and can provide protection for up to 50 years.

Corrosion in marine structures is potentially very experience and the savings made installing CP systems will far exceed their cost.