About us

We undertake technically demanding contracts
in harsh environments.


Southbay specialise in piling for both permanent and temporary works particularly on difficult sites and over water. The principle types of piling offered are as follows:

  • Sheet piling including cofferdams
  • Combi walls
  • Tubular bearing piles
  • H section bearing piles

Piles can be driven vertically or at rakes of up to 1 in 1.

Raking Piles have been installed at A&P Tyne and North Shields Fish Quay

Sheet piled wall installed at Leith Skyliner, Edinburgh

Tubular Piling at Riverside Quay Extension, Port of Tyne Southbay can provide a full design and build service using WALLAP for retaining walls and GRLWEAP for assessing driveability and selection of piling hammer.

All completed piling work is subject to Southbay’s rigorous quality assurance procedures. CAPWAP testing is carried out during pile driving and full validation data is provided to the Client.


Combi walls have been installed on the following projects;

  • Howdon Quay Extension – 90m
  • Neptune Quay – 150m
  • New Tyne Crossing – 450m
  • Riverside Quay Enabling Works – 70m
  • Tyne Dock Enterprise Park – 120m


Tubular Piles have been installed on the following projects:

  • A&P Tyne
  • Doddington Bridge 
  • HMS Calliope
  • Howdon Quay Extension
  • North Shields Fish Quay
  • Riverside Quay Phase 3
  • Riverside Quay Phase 4
  • Sabic Petrolchemicals
  • Riverside Quay Extension