Project details
Located at the north end of King Edwards Bay, Tynemouth, the Sea Wall is a key coastal defence, which protects an adjacent recreational area, vehicular route, and residential properties. Following an inspection of the structure, several repairs were identified due to the impact of continued coastal erosion. The project involved a significant public interface, with the site neighboured by a heavily used section of beach.

Initial works included creating a site compound on a section of adjacent promenade, which was permanently closed off to the public for the duration of the contract. The identified areas of the works were then jet cleaned of all marine growth. Several areas of defective concrete were then broken out. Dowels were then installed together with reinforcement mesh. Using rock anchors, timber formwork was then fixed into position in preparation for concrete pours. A specialist subcontractor was employed to core drill holes across the seawall at the points of known voids, allowing for infill using anti-wash out concrete.
To protect the public from the risk of injury, exposed steel reinforcement was removed from several locations, with concrete patch repairs used to cover any remaining steelwork, preventing future corrosion. A number of loose posts forming part of an existing handrailing system were then broken out, with new concrete foundations constructed prior to reinstatement of the post. Further works included infill of cracks across the structure using specialist marine mortar.
In delivering the works, the site team successfully co-ordinated multiple plant and vehicle movements, whilst maintaining full public access to the foreshore. This involved the use of temporary barriers, signage, and beach marshals to ensure the public remained segregated at all times. An excellent standard of safety was maintained, with zero incidents.
Southbay were also awarded a minor works package to undertake repairs to an existing revetment, located close to the Sea Banks site. This included removing exposed steel reinforcement, rearrangement of rock armour, infill of voids, replacement of concrete kerbs, and crack repairs.