Project details
Located on the North East Coast of Scotland, Arbroath Harbour is used by fishing boats, commercial vessels, and small leisure craft. Following a detailed inspection by our client, repairs were identified across various areas of the harbour and outer breakwaters. The project involved the management of a significant third-party interface, with the harbour remaining open to the public, and located adjacent to working businesses and residential properties.

Initial works included setting up of the site compound within an existing car park in the south west corner of the inner harbour and a dive survey was carried out to ascertain the extent of any underwater defects. To complete repairs to the south harbour entrance, a multicat vessel was used to access the identified area. Debris and marine growth were removed from the harbour wall, allowing the application of sprayed concrete to infill voids. Repairs to the north harbour entrance were accessed by workboat, and involved jet washing marine growth prior to the infill of voids using marine mortar. Deep voids were built in layers, with dowels resin fixed to secure material in position. Underwater repairs to areas of the harbour wall within the tidal zone were undertaken by divers.
Repairs were also undertaken to an existing slipway forming part of a boat repair yard. This involved repointing to the sides of the slipway, and the infill of voids. Further structural repairs included repairing of stone blocks within an existing seawall, as well as repointing and infill of voids across sections of the existing fish market wall.
Improvements were made to existing infrastructure in the form of replacement of ladders, replacement of timber decking forming part of a viewing area, and maintenance works to existing block paving.
To safely progress works within this public environment, a traffic and pedestrian management plan was produced, identifying shared access, and points of segregation. Daily communication was maintained with the harbourmaster and businesses, including an operational boat yard. The project was successfully delivered with no reportable incidents.